Size 40×50 cm
Technique Giclee print
Material Printed on 265 g natural art paper with a matt,
uncoated finish and lightly textured surface, that ensures a rich and vibrant display of colours.
Printed in Denmark
Drawing inspiration from the sunny side of everyday life, the Belgian-born artist Isabelle Vandeplassche, combines colours in a way that creates an almost analogue atmosphere.
Currently, Vandeplassche is situated in a small fisherman's village in Portugal and the hues of the ocean, the quaint architecture and breezy greenery seep into her artworks, which she describes as playful yet calming.
"My work often involves a serene feeling which reflects my personality quite well as I am definitely an introvert."
Vandeplassche has always experimented with different materials and techniques in an effort to stay open to developing her creative language. "To me, art is an important way of self-expression. I am not good with words, so creating art is my way of translating my thoughts and feelings."
벨기에 출신의 아티스트 ISABELLE VANDEPLASSCHE, 서정적인 분위기를 유니크하게 풀어내는 아티스트입니다.
포르투갈의 작은 어촌마을에서 거주하며, 바다의 색조, 기이한 건축물들, 산들바람을 작품속에 녹여냅니다.
그녀의 작품들은 플레이풀하면서도 차분한 이국적인 분위기를 자아냅니다.

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